3 Major Reasons Why You Should Consider Installing A Large Water Tank

8 June 2018
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


Australia can be a notoriously dry country, with droughts being a constant source of pain and frustration for many of those trying to live a regular life. Even the major cities on the coast are not immune to drought, with Adelaide and especially Perth suffering from a decline in safe water from dams. Because of this, many Australians have turned their attention to this problem that can rear its head at any time, and one of the most popular methods employed is the installation of large water tanks. For those that haven't taken the plunge and installed a large water tank yet, here are three major reasons why you should.

1. Environmentally Beneficial 

As aforementioned, living in Australia brings its own unique challenges brought on by the one-of-a kind natural locations here. As Australia becomes more and more environmentally focused at a federal government level, many Australians feel responsible for their own contribution to saving the environment. Even if you don't decide to install a filter on your new rainwater tank, you can still use the water in many different ways, from washing your car to watering your plants and even flushing your toilet. Think about how much water you can save when even the most efficient toilet flushes still take up 3-4 litres of water.

2. Save Money

An obvious and driving factor for many people considering a large rainwater tank, saving money is an easy and almost immediate bonus of your new tank. While water is not prohibitively expensive in Australia, everyday use can still add up over time. A water tank can pay for itself within a few years through the savings it generates, and then it starts to actually save you money. Given that water tanks can have long warranties, you could save thousands upon thousands of dollars. 

3. Hide Your Tank

While underground tank storage has waned in popularity, the modern advantages of new paint and styling meanst that hiding your water tank above ground has never been easier. While some people enjoy the reminder of a water tank and the benefits it provides, others find them to be a bit of an eyesore. Discuss with your installer if your water tank is safe to paint (almost all are), and then start hunting for ways to hide your tank. You could blend your tank in with the wall of your house or even along a line of dense shrubbery. Having a big tank doesn't mean you have to sacrifice the aesthetic of the house you live in.

To learn more about large water tanks, contact a company like Team Poly.